Animal House
- The Animal House is registered with the Committee for Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CCSEA), Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Government of India with registration no. 931/Po/Re/S/06/CPCSEA and has an established Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) that advises the students, teachers / researchers on facilities, policies and practices concerning that care and usage of animals.
- All Animals are acquired lawfully as per the CCSEA guidelines.
- Each species of animals is housed and maintained in separate area with Air conditioning facility to avoid disease transmission and inter species conflicts.
- Separate quarantine room facility for newly received animals.
- Separate entry and exit to avoid contamination from any means
- Maintenance of controlled environmental conditions (Temperature 22-26oC)
- Relative humidity (60 +/- 10%) 12 hr alternate light and dark cycle.
- Provided with supporting staff to ensure animal care including feeding, watering, restraining, cage cleaning, record keeping and ordering of animals, feeds and bedding materials.
- High degree of hygienic conditions around the animals are maintained as per CCSEA guidelines.