Pharmacology Department is a very dynamic department.  Departmental courses cover a broad range of disciplines, including Pharmacology and Toxicology, in addition to Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Pharmacy. In addition, the department offers Master in Pharmacy course with Pharmacology specialization.
Pharmacology is a biomedical discipline that applies the principles of scientific experimentation to therapeutic contexts. This department attempt to improve health & alleviate disease, studies the mechanism by which drugs alter biological systems by study of toxicology is also a branch of pharmacology that deals with the study of mechanisms by which drugs & chemicals in the environment produce unwanted effects.

The department has centralized animal house facility approved by CPCSEA (Registration No. 931/Po/Re/S/06/CPCSEA) for conducting experimentation on mice, rats, guinea pigs & rabbits.

⦁ Lagendroffs Apparatus
⦁ Telethermometer
⦁ Plethismograph
⦁ Actophotometer
⦁ Pole Climbing Apparatus
⦁ Analgesiometer (Hot Plate Method and Tail Flick Method)
⦁ Hemocytometer
⦁ Sphygmomanometer
⦁ Sherrington’s Kymograph.
⦁ Histamine chamber
⦁ Microscope

⦁ Pharmacology Laboratory -I
⦁ Pharmacology Laboratory -II
⦁ Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory
⦁ Research Laboratory

Research Area
⦁ Pharmacological screening
⦁ Pre clinical trials
⦁ Toxicological studies
⦁ Clinical data study

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